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Pesqui. vet. bras ; 35(5): 431-436, May 2015. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-759372


Sarcoides são tumores fibroblásticos, considerados os tumores de pele mais comuns em pele de equinos e que raramente apresentam regressão espontânea. Papilomavírus bovino (BPV) tipos 1 e 2 são relacionados com a patogenia do sarcoide e, provavelmente, o BPV tipo 13 (BPV13), recentemente descrito, também pode estar associado com a formação dessa lesão. Neste estudo, 20 amostras de lesões cutâneas, sendo 12 constituídas por tecidos frescos e 8 amostras de tecido fixado em formalina e embebido em parafina, provenientes de 15 cavalos foram utilizadas para a identificação do DNA de BPV. A análise histopatológica (HE) confirmou todas as lesões como sarcoide. Para a amplificação do DNA de papilomavírus (PV) foram realizadas três reações de PCR. Como triagem, os primers IFNR2/IDNT2 foram utilizados para amplificar um fragmento da ORF L1 do PV. O segundo par de primersutilizado é complementar a sequência dos genes E5 e L2 de BPVs 1, 2 e 13. O terceiro par de primers(FAP59/FAP64) utilizado tem o gene L1 como alvo. A primeira e a segunda PCRs permitiram amplificar produtos em todas as amostras avaliadas. Entretanto, na terceira reação, na qual foram utilizados os primers FAP, foi possível amplificar produtos com tamanho molecular esperado somente nas amostras constituídas por tecidos frescos. O sequenciamento de nucleotídeos e as análises filogenéticas realizadas nos fragmentos E5L2 resultaram na identificação de BPV1, 2 e 13 em 14 (70%), 2 (10%) e em 4 (20%) amostras de sarcoides, respectivamente. As amostras de sarcoides de um dos animais continha somente o DNA de BPV1. Entretanto, nas amostras provenientes do segundo cavalo foi possível identificar o DNA de três tipos de Deltapapillomavirus bovino (BPV1, 2 e 13) em lesões distintas. Este estudo ratifica a presença do DNA de BPV1, 2 e 13 em lesões de sarcoides em equinos, além de identificar três tipos de BPVs em um mesmo animal e descrever pela primeira vez no Brasil a presença de BPV1 e 2 nesse tipo de lesão.

Sarcoids are fibroblastic lesions, which are considered as the most common skin tumors of horses; spontaneous regression rarely occurs. The bovine papillomavirus (BPV) types 1 and 2 may be involved in the pathogenesis of sarcoids, and probably the recently described BPV type (BPV13) might be associated with the pathogenesis of this lesion. This study characterized the DNA of BPVs in sarcoids from 15 horses from Brazil by analyzing 20 cutaneous lesions (12 recently collected; 8 from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues). Histopathology confirmed the proliferative lesions as sarcoids. Three PCRs were performed to amplify papillomavirus (PV) DNA. For screening, the primers IFNR2/IDNT2 were used to amplify a fragment of the PV L1 ORF. The second primer set was complementary to a common sequence of the E5L2 genomic region of BPV1, 2, and 13. The third primer pair (FAP59/FAP64) targeted a fragment of the PVs L1 ORF. The screening and E5L2 PCRs yielded amplicons in all samples evaluated. The FAP amplicons identified BPV1, 2, and 13 only from fresh tissue samples. The phylogenetic analyses of E5L2 resulted in the identification of BPV1, 2, and 13 in 14 (70%), 2 (10%), and 4 (20%) sarcoids, respectively. Two horses demonstrated multiple lesions: the sarcoids of one of these contained only BPV1 DNA and those of the other contained three types of bovine Deltapapillomavirus (BPV1, 2, and 13). This study confirmed the presence of BPV1, 2, and 13 DNA in equine sarcoids. Moreover, these findings represent the first description of three types of BPV diagnosed in the same horse, as well as the first confirmation of BPV1 and 2 in horses from Brazil.

Animals , Papillomavirus Infections/genetics , Papillomavirus Infections/veterinary , Papillomavirus Infections/virology , Skin Neoplasms/genetics , Skin Neoplasms/veterinary , Skin Neoplasms/virology , Sequence Analysis, DNA/veterinary , DNA Primers/genetics , Polymerase Chain Reaction/veterinary
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 32(7): 653-657, jul. 2012. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-644572


A retrospective study of 24 cases of papillomas in dogs was performed from January 2001 to March 2011. Additionally, immunohistochemistry (IHC) was used to characterize and evaluate the samples. We found that disease was observed more in mixed breed dogs, ages ranging from 6 months to 10 years (mean 3.1 years), and there was no gender predilection. The main lesion sites were the skin (75%), lips (16.7%), and eyelids (8.3%). Upon histological evaluation, we observed papillary exophytic proliferation of squamous epithelium and papillary endophytic proliferation (inverted) in 87.5% and 12.5% of cases, respectively. The tumors were characterized by spinous layer hyperplasia (87.5%) with koilocytes (70.8%) and intranuclear pale basophilic inclusions bodies (8.3%), prominent granular layer with large amounts of keratohyalin granules (95.8%), and hyperkeratosis in the stratum corneum (100%). Positive immunostaining for Papillomavirus was found in 83.3% of cases, which were distributed between the granular layer and the stratum corneum. These findings indicate the following: that papillomas in dogs are caused by Papillomavirus, the viral cytopathic effect induces epithelial lesions, viral particles are found inside the cell nuclei, and inclusions bodies are rare.

Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo de 24 casos de papilomas em cães diagnosticados no período de janeiro 2001 a março de 2011, bem como a sua caracterização imuno-histoquímica (IHQ). Cães sem raça definida foram os mais afetados, a idade média foi de 3,1 anos, com variação de 6 meses a 10 anos e não houve predileção sexual. Quanto à localização das lesões, 75,0% estavam na pele, 16,7% no lábio e 8,3% em pálpebra. Na avaliação histológica havia proliferação papilar exofítica do epitélio escamoso em 87,5% e papilar endofítica (invertido) em 12,5%. O tumor era caracterizado por hiperplasia do estrato espinhoso (87,5%) com coilócitos (70,8%) e inclusões intranucleares basofílicas pálidas (8,3%); o estrato granular estava proeminente com grande quantidade de grânulos de querato-hialina (95,8%); e havia hiperqueratose do estrato córneo (100%). Na avaliação IHQ para Papillomavirus houve marcação nos estratos granuloso e córneo em 83,3%. Estes achados indicam que os papilomas em cães são causados por Papillomavirus, as lesões epiteliais são decorrentes do efeito citopático viral, as partículas virais estão no núcleo das células e corpúsculos de inclusão são raros.

Animals , Dogs , Immunohistochemistry , Papillomavirus Infections/veterinary , Lambdapapillomavirus/isolation & purification , Papilloma/diagnosis , Cytopathogenic Effect, Viral
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 30(3): 246-248, mar. 2010. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-545166


This report characterizes the digital dermatitis (DD) lesions in the accessory digits of dairy cows and presents data on the applied therapy. Fifteen Holstein cattle with DD affecting the accessory digits of the hindlimbs from four dairy farms with previous history of DD were evaluated. Lesions were excised, the wounds were sutured, and a topical application of oxytetracycline powder covered by bandaging was associated with a single parenteral administration of long acting oxytetracycline IM (20mg/kg). Tissue samples were obtained for histopathology and transmission electronic microscopy (TEM). Lesions from all the animals were recuperated 15 days after surgical procedure. Overal, most DD lesions were papillomatous epidermal projections or wartlike verrucous lesions. Histopathologically, samples revealed hyperplasia of epidermis with hyperkeratosis, several mitoses in the stratum basale and elongated rete ridges in the superficial and middle dermis. TEM revealed long, thin spirochete-like bacteria. Morphologic features of lesions and its response to therapy were comparable to those described for DD.

Esse estudo caracteriza lesões de dermatite digital (DD) nos dígitos acessórios de vacas leiteiras, além de apresentar a terapia aplicada. Foram utilizados 15 bovinos leiteiros da raça Holandês com DD nos dígitos acessórios dos membros pélvicos. Os animais eram provenientes de quatro fazendas leiteiras com histórico prévio de dermatite digital (DD). Todos os quinze animais foram tratados da mesma forma: após excisão das lesões e sutura das feridas cutâneas, aplicou-se oxitetraciclina pó topicamente sob bandagem e oxitetraciclina (20mg/kg) de longa ação, via intramuscular. Obtiveram-se amostras de tecidos para histopatologia, inclusive por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (MET). Observou-se cicatrização em todos os animais após 15 dias do procedimento cirúrgico. A maioria das lesões macroscópicas foram projeções papilomatosas ou em forma de verrugas. Os achados histopatológicos de todas as amostras revelaram hiperplasia da epiderme com hiperceratose, inúmeras mitoses no estrato basal, com invasões alongadas em forma de rede na derme superficial e intermediária. A MET evidenciou organismos com formas longas, afiladas e espiraladas, presumivelmente espiroquetas. Tanto as características morfológicas, quanto a resposta à terapia das lesões foram comparáveis às descritas para DD.

Animals , Adult , Cattle , Dermatitis, Contact/surgery , Dermatitis, Contact/physiopathology , Dermatitis, Contact/therapy , Dermatitis, Contact/veterinary , Electronics/trends , Papillomavirus Infections/prevention & control , Papillomavirus Infections/veterinary , Hyperplasia/diagnosis , Oxytetracycline/administration & dosage , Oxytetracycline/therapeutic use , Skin Diseases
Rev. cient. (Maracaibo) ; 18(5): 531-541, sept.-oct. 2008. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-548652


Fueron estudiados tres bovinos adultos, hembras, provenientes de una propiedad rural semi extensiva y tradicional del municipio Roncador, estado de Paraná, Brasil que presentaron neoplasias simultáneas en vejiga urinaria y tracto digestivo anterior, asociadas al consumo espontáneo de genotipos del Pteridium. La edad de los animales varió entre cinco y medio a siete y medio años. La sintomatología clínica observada incluyó: pérdida de la condición corporal y emaciación progresiva; disnea y respiración ruidosa; aumento del volumen externo a nivel orofaríngeo, disfagia relativa, salivación y halitosis; y hematuria intermitente o microhematuria. Los principales hallazgos macro y microscópicos interesaron la lengua, orofaringe, esófago, cardias y vejiga urinaria, consistiendo en papilomas, papilomas en fase de transformación para carcinomas y carcinomas de las células escamosas. Correspondiendo a lesiones malignas las de ubicación más anterior (lengua y orofarínge) y benignas, el resto. A nivel de lengua y orofaringe se observó evolución maligna de papilomas a carcinoma de las células escamosas con diverso grado de diferenciación celular y carcinoma epidermoide invasivo bien caracterizado. En esófago, se diagnosticó papiloma escamoso, mientras en vejiga urinaria se evidenciaron lesiones múltiples de carácter erosivo y/o papilar. Las lesiones papilomatosas, variables en número y tamaño, contenían tres fases de desarrollo: incipiente, activo y en regresión. Las evidencias epidemiológicas, clínicas, macro e histomorfológicas refuerzan las observaciones que sugieren que los signos y lesiones corresponde a fases y/o síndrome de una misma patología, determinada por el consumo de genotipos del Pteridium; intoxicación, que ocurre como respuestas a una compleja relación epidemiológica multifactorial, donde una estrecha correlación entre los principios tóxicos del helecho y la infección por Papilomavirus bovino, parece jugar importante papel en la patogénesis de tumores...

Three adult female bovines coming from a semi extensive and traditional property located at the Roncador Municipality, Paraná State, Brazil, were studied due to they presented simultaneous neoplasias in urinary blaster and upper alimentary syndrome associated to the spontaneous consumption of the Pteridium genotype. The animal’s age varied between five years and a half and seven years and a half. The clinical symptomatology seen included: body conditions loss, progressive emaciation, dyspnea and noisy breathing, rise of the external volume in oropharynx level, relative disphagia, salivation and halitosis; and intermittent hematuria or microhematuria. The main findings macro and microscopical were important in tongue, esophagus, oropharynx, cardia and urinary blaster consisting of papillomas, papillomas in transition to carcinomas and squamous cells. Of then, the upper locations (tongue and oropharynx) were considered malignant injuries and benign the rest. To the tongue and oropharynx level a malignant transition of squamous cells from papillomas to carcinoma was seen. In esophagus, squamous papilloma was diagnosed, meanwhile in urinary blaster multiple injuries with erosive and/or papillary character were present. It is peculiarized by a diverse degree of cellular differentiation and invasive epidermoide carcinoma well characterized. The papilomatosive injuries, irregular in number and size, were constituted by three development phases: incipient, active and in regression. Epidemiological, clinical, macro and histomorfological findings support other researchers‘ papers that suggest that the signs and injuries match with phases and/or a same pathology‘s syndromes, determined by the consumption of the Pteridium genotype. The intoxication can be seen as a direct answer to a complex multifactorial epidemiologic relation, where there is a narrow connection between the toxic principles of the bracken fern and the infection for bovine papillomavirus...

Cattle , Animals , Cattle Diseases , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/veterinary , Digestive System Diseases/veterinary , Hematuria/veterinary , /pathogenicity , Papillomavirus Infections/veterinary , Veterinary Medicine
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 28(6): 279-284, jun. 2008. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-489053


Placa aural é uma variante da papilomatose eqüina. Foram examinados 306 eqüinos da raça Mangalarga e 275 da raça Quarto de Milha, com o objetivo de comparar a ocorrência da placa aural entre os animais destas raças, e caracterizar os achados clínicos e histopatológicos desta enfermidade. A ocorrência da placa aural foi 57 por cento nos eqüinos da raça Mangalarga e 35 por cento nos eqüinos da raça Quarto de Milha. Clinicamente as lesões consistiram de placas aplainadas, descamativas e hipocrômicas, formadas com freqüência pela coalescência de pequenas pápulas. Os principais achados histopatológicos foram hiperplasia epidérmica e hipomelanose levando à alteração abrupta entre o epitélio normal e o epitélio acometido pela placa aural.

Aural plaque is a variant of equine papillomatosis. Clinical examination was performed on 306 Mangalarga and 275 Quarter Horses to compare the occurrence of aural plaques among animals and to characterize clinical and histological findings for the disease. Aural plaques occurred in 57 percent of Mangalarga and in 35 percent of Quarter breeds. Clinically the lesions consisted of flat, desquamated and hypochromic plaques formed by coalescence of small papules. The main histopathological findings were epidermal hyperplasia and hypomelanosis with abrupt change between the normal and the affected epithelium.

Animals , Male , Female , Clinical Evolution , Horses/anatomy & histology , Papillomavirus Infections/pathology , Papillomavirus Infections/veterinary , Papilloma/classification , Papilloma/pathology
Genet. mol. res. (Online) ; 7(2): 487-497, 2008. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-640989


Bovine papillomavirus (BPV) DNA sequences were detected in different tissues, in addition to epithelium. Cytogenetic abnormalities were observed in blood lymphocytes. The presence of more than one virus in a single tissue is a difficult aspect to evaluate, especially when the DNA sequences are detected in tissues that are not specifically targeted by the virus. BPV and bovine leukemia virus (BLV) are clastogenic, causing chromosome aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes. In the present study, we investigated the simultaneous presence of DNA sequences of both viruses and the possibility of vertical transmission and compared the types of chromosome aberrations related to viral action. BPV 1, 2, and 4 DNA sequences were found in three females of the herd and in their offspring. BLV DNA sequences were not detected in their progeny. A newborn calf that was negative for BLV infection showed specific chromosome rearrangements possibly related to the effect of infection with BPV.

Animals , Female , Cytogenetic Analysis/methods , In Situ Hybridization/methods , Bovine papillomavirus 1/genetics , Leukemia Virus, Bovine/genetics , Animals, Newborn , Cattle , Chromosome Aberrations , Chromosome Banding , Papillomavirus Infections/diagnosis , Papillomavirus Infections/veterinary , Papillomavirus Infections/virology , Karyotyping , Enzootic Bovine Leukosis/diagnosis , Enzootic Bovine Leukosis/virology , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Bovine papillomavirus 1/isolation & purification , Leukemia Virus, Bovine/isolation & purification
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 101(6): 635-638, Sept. 2006. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-437056


The bovine papillomavirus type 2 (BPV-2) involvement in the aetiology of chronic enzootic haematuria associated to bracken fern ingestion has been suggested for a long time. However, a few reports have shown the presence of the BPV-2 in urinary bladder tumors of cattle. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of the BPV-2 infection in the urinary bladder of cattle with chronic enzootic haematuria in Brazilian cattle herds. Sixty-two urinary bladders were collected from adult cattle in beef herds from the north region of the state of Paraná, Brazil. According to clinical and pathological finds the specimens were distributed in three groups: the group A was constituted by 22 urinary bladders with macroscopic lesions collected at necropsy of cattle with clinical signs of chronic enzootic haematuria; the group B by 30 urinary bladders with macroscopic lesions collected in a slaughterhouse of cows coming from bracken fern-endemic geographical region; and the group C (control) by 10 urinary bladders without macroscopic lesions collected from asymptomatic cattle in a bracken fern-free geographical region. By a semi-nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay, with an internal control, a fragment of the BPV-2 L1 gene with 386 bp length was amplified in 36 (58 percent) urinary bladder. The rate of BPV-2 positive urinary bladders was 50 percent (11/22) for group A, 80 percent (24/30) for group B, and 10 percent (1/10) for group C (control). The rate of the positive results found in groups A and B that included urinary bladder samples with macroscopic lesions was 67 percent (35/52) and the detection of the BPV-2 in both groups was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than in the control group. RFLP with Rsa I and Hae III enzymes evaluated the specificity of the BPV-2 amplicons. The PCR internal control that amplified a 626 bp fragment of the ND5 gene of the bovine mitochondrial genome was amplified in all analyzed samples and excluded false-negatives or invalid results in the semi-nested PCR...

Animals , Cattle , Bovine papillomavirus 1/isolation & purification , Cattle Diseases/virology , Hematuria/veterinary , Papillomavirus Infections/veterinary , Urinary Bladder/virology , Bovine papillomavirus 1/genetics , Chronic Disease , Hematuria/virology , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Polymorphism, Restriction Fragment Length , Papillomavirus Infections/virology